Thursday, November 15, 2007

From Pastor Kevin Dean (Student Ministries)

One of the most difficult things in my Christian walk has been to maintain a “vibrant” or “deeply passionate” daily connection time with God. It’s not because I don’t want to. It just seems like so many days I’m simply checking off a box of what I should do rather than being excited and eager to spend time with Him. Several years ago this came to a head in my life and I really went searching for what “Connecting with God” even meant. And one of the things I came across has changed my time with God like no other. An author asked the question, “If you’re bored with your time with God, do you think that the Creator of the Universe is?” It really made me pause and think. Is my time with Him creative? Is it something I’m anticipating and keyed up for? For those of you who don’t know me very well yet, I’m not big on routine. I’m not wired to do the same thing every day, day after day…..I just don’t like that. So I decided that I would give God my best by being creative and imaginative in my time with him. Depending on the week you may find me reading scripture, praying scripture, memorizing scripture, drawing pictures of things, journaling, taking a walk and thinking, listening to music, sitting silent, and so on.

Currently, I’m coloring in one of my daughter’s Bible coloring books. I know that sounds weird and strange but it’s true. Each page communicates a simple truth from scripture. As I color I’m replaying the story in my mind. I’m thinking about why He even included that story in scripture. I’m praying for people who may be lost, hurting or confused just like the people in the story. I’m wondering how it applies to our world today and how I can live this truth out in the community of New Smyrna. I spend quite a bit of time each day preparing messages, counseling and doing other adult stuff when I’m in the office. This time has consistently reminds me what it means to be a child of God and to have a child–like faith. Who knows what next week will bring……but I can’t wait.

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