Thursday, November 8, 2007

What I"m Learning About Drawing Near to God (Jamie Sulle, Children's Director)

After the Crown Financial Seminar, a suspicion of ours became clear, cable would have to go! Shawn and I decided no more DVR and 200 channels. We even kissed internet, goodbye. We figured we could use the extra couple bucks to chip away at some debt and less TV equals some flex time for reading and family time. Seems I don’t have extra time for laundry and dishes, but hey, priorities. I’m currently reading Pursuit of God, in which chapter 2, confirms just how little I need cable TV or high speed internet and how much I need God at the center of my life. I trust him with my son and my marriage. And I know He has plans for me. I love how He reveals little pieces along the way through His Word and events in my life. If patience were a spiritual gift, I don’t think I would have it. Maybe that’s thanks to fast access and high speed on demand living. I used to use DVR to record a half hour show called Ace of Cakes. It’s a cool reality show about a bakery that makes unique cakes. Not only do you get a little preview of fresh cake designs at the beginning of the show, but they skip all the planning and baking and jump right into the fun stuff, decorating! And to top it off I would fast forward through commercials. So in the course of 22 minutes I would see the final result of 5-7 cakes. I trust that someone called to order the cake and that recipes have been tested to ensure quality and that the cake was paid for. My faith in God’s word tells me that I’ve been called, tested and paid for by the blood of Christ. I trust in God’s promise to never leave me, even when I can’t fast forward through life’s commercials.

1 comment:

donna g said...

I can't imagine trying to keep up with the tv shows. Good for you... I gotta have someone here read this too, maybe you'll start something!